
The Cardiff Advantage

Management enjoys the advantage of improved valuation, liquidity, synergies, and support, along with diversification and asset appreciation through collective subsidiary performance. Diversification and pooled resources leverage value and mitigate risk.

Acquisition Requirements

In order to ensure our investors are protected, we require all acquisitions to meet the following requirements:

Healthcare Sector
Be Profitable
Be in Business 5+ Years
Maintain Moderate to Low Debt
Possess a Great Management Team

Our 3 M’s Evaluation

Our acquisition evaluations begin with 3 M’s: Market, Management and Margin.

Market: We evaluate the market for each company’s product or service, positioning, penetration, barriers to entry and maturity.

Management: We look for great management, such as hands- on, accomplished, driven and growth oriented.

Margin: We evaluate current results and look for opportunities to improve and create the Cardiff effect.

Acquisition Criteria

Once a potential acquisition meets our requirements, we begin the acquisition process.


We enter the valuation stage of the business and its assets. This leads to discussions of value and deal structure.


We issue an LOI (Letter of Intent) to broadly outline the key elements of the transaction.


Once the LOI is in place? We enter the deeper dive due diligence. Which leads to drawing up a comprehensive forward acquisition agreement.


Lastly, we review and verify all required audits and financial information before closing.